Saturday, January 15, 2011

Been so long....

It has been so long since I posted anything! 2009 was a trying year towards the end and took me into 2010 saddened. We lost my mom towards the end of '09, guess that is why I made that last post I did. I have grown some since then, but still have more growing to do. Thank you God for not giving up on me!!

Monday, December 14, 2009


I have started a journal, a spiritual journal if you will. Things I can look back on and remind myself of some important things when I am having a off day. No one is perfect, no one is above any other. But there is one who is and who we can turn to. My quest for a better life with God, a better walk with show my children who they should turn to, who they should put first.

And to be a better wife to my husband, a better mother to my children.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lovely flowers

On our place there are these wild flowers that grow this time of the year. I changed my photo on my blog to these flowers. I think they are so beautiful!

I love fall and this time of the year, we can open the windows more often and let the cooler air in! Makes me want to be outside more longer because at least we don't have all the humidity. Good time to go fishing, hunting and camping!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Guess it just happens that way

I don't know how long after losing a parent you still cry. There probably is not any 'normal' time frame and everyone is proably different. Today was a day I just cried, I don't really know why for sure. Proably many things contributed to it, it has almost been a month since her passing for one. Other things too, but I won't bore you with the details on here. I don't think mom would want me to be so sad, but I guess I still need time. On top of it all, out little boy was diagnosed with the flu Monday and that H1N1 is going around here bad. I started feeling bad myself and we have been stuck at home all week. That can not help things with my mind, being stuck inside. But who wants to get out and expose others to what we have. I don't feel like it and don't want to and I know our little boy does not want to get out. The day we were at the doctor he just begged to go home. My poor little baby boy, well he is not a baby anymore. But that just broke my heart to see him feeling so bad. Thank God he is feeling better everyday and thank you to everyone for the prayers.